Finance meets AI

About Us

FinAI is a blog at the intersection of Finance and Artificial Intelligence.

I have been practising investing for 20+ years, and my background is in finance. However, I have also been an internet entrepreneur in the past, having recognised the power of the web early.

For several reasons, a few years ago, I quit my solo endeavours on the internet and decided to focus on investing which is my main passion. As a result, I now find fulfilment working for a fintech company.

The reason I am starting this blog is that I am amazed by the abilities of the Large Language Models (LLMs), and other artificial Intelligence technologies. I truly believe that we live in a transformative moment for the economy, the same way I believed in the transformative nature of the internet two decades ago.

What pushes me to write is the fact that I am highly interested in both business and technology, and I currently feel obsessed with both LLMs and investing. For the latter, I would add that I possess some significant experience.

What makes me have second thoughts is my past internet experience. To truly make a difference, one must possess a deep understanding of the subject, and I wouldn’t consider myself an IT expert. As an entrepreneur and professional blogger, I found myself writing about topics for which I didn’t always have the knowledge depth I wish I had.

I have decided to try regardless, as I believe I can make a contribution. My IT knowledge is so-so, but my experience in investing, and business frameworks is significant. The rise of Generative AI is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and there’s an urge in me to share my thoughts now, as this may not happen again in my lifetime. Right or wrong, I endeavour for my words to spark discussions and thoughts.

The blog posts will be split in three pillars:

A) Investing and AI: It will mostly include the analysis of public companies that are involved in the AI area, whose number I think will grow. Two aspects often overlooked by those unfamiliar with investing are valuation matters and how to connect the dots between technological advancements and investment returns, both of which I aim to cover.

B) AI and Business: This will cover what businesses can do to capitalise on this big wave, and how to avoid becoming obsolete because of it. I might also comment on its positive or negative effects on certain professions.

C) Investing & Analysis Automation: The same way that computers and the internet transformed the way we invest, AI will change it once again. However, there are things that changed, but others, such as principles, did not change at all. For example, principles presented in “The Intelligent Investor”, the greatest book about investing ever written, stay intact in time.

The margin of safety, the allegory of Mr. Market, and other gems are difficult concepts to master, even with extreme intelligence. I believe I can contribute by discussing them and exploring how they can be integrated into investing and analysis automation.

Overall, Some posts may cover recent news and developments, and others may be related to thoughts and opinions.

I know well that the soul of a blog is the reader. If you are reading these lines, take a few moments to think that I was thinking of you while writing them, and when I took the decision to start this blog.

If you think you gain value, there is a way to offer and receive more: Leave respectful comments and share what you find interesting.

Fare well,
FinAI – Finance meets AI

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